Works Projects

Step and Stone and SENDaWelcome, are planning a pilot project to improve career aspirations and opportunities for people with learning disabilities in the Bristol area.

This innovative and collaborative project will give people with learning disabilities real choices about the work they want to do and support them into a job in their local community – just like any other adult. People with learning disabilities are hugely marginalised in the job market, with less than 6% in paid employment. The jobs available are typically low-skilled and everybody’s aspirations are low – in no small part because their parent/carer is grateful for anything. We wish to challenge the status quo.

The joint pilot is to run a series of 6 ‘Careers Aspirations’ workshops for 10 individuals with a learning disability in the Gloucester Road area of Bristol. Parent/carers will be invited to attend these workshops, accessing break-out sessions designed to encourage realistic aspirations. Speakers with a learning disability will talk about their jobs and inspire the delegates.

Phase 2 of the is to map a realistic career journey for each individual. Together the organisations will identify and target potential employers in the community. Step and Stone has a track record of creating successful partnerships with employers in the area, offering a bespoke, comprehensive and free service (eg training, job coaching). A community-based job coach will support at least 4 individuals into work – providing travel training and scaffolded support for as long as necessary.

The project uses the expertise and connections of both organisations to start to level the playing field for people with learning disabilities in our community. We are excited about learning the lessons of partnership working and are keen to disseminate the model to other regions.

Photography by Sion Hannuna

              Photography by Sion Hannuna

Photography by Sion Hannuna

Photography by Sion Hannuna

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