Work experience pilot to launch in September

Few areas of modern life highlight inequality as sharply as the world of work. Recently there has been much discussion (rightly) around the gender pay gap. Nationally the gap stands at 18.4 per cent for full-time and part-time workers, according to the UK’s Office for National Statistics. If you look beyond gender, there is an even greater disparity. Mencap research shows that only six percent of adults with a learning disability known to their local authority in England are in paid work. That amounts to around 7000 people across the country, with a handful likely to be employed here in Bristol.

SENDaWelcome wants to see that situation change. We are developing a scheme to improve the work opportunities for young people with SEND (special educational needs and disabilities). We want to see local businesses offering young people with SEND all kinds of opportunities from Saturday and holiday jobs through to work placements, apprenticeships and jobs.

Together with Bristol Works for Everyone and PROPS, independent charitable organisation providing opportunities and support for adults with learning difficulties, we will be trialling a scheme from September this year. We will be recruiting up to six teenagers with SEND and up to 15 local businesses interested in piloting the scheme. Once identified, Bristol City Council will provide training courses for recruited businesses to build confidence and skills in supporting a young person with SEND. The council will also provide a one-to-one worker to support the young person during their work opportunity.

We hope that our pilot scheme will be a template for similar schemes in other areas of Bristol.

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